Monday, November 15, 2010

Rosie the Riveters of World War II

As I was flipping through videos looking for an appropriate video depicting Rosie the Riveter I came across this one in particular and lingered a bit because of the comments that followed after it. There were comments from people who actually knew a couple “Rosie’s” and this was not only interesting to read but, made it more real to me.
Here is the post that originally caught my eye:
4 months ago
Thanks for sharing and focusing on the great women of the past, our Rosie's. My mother worked in an aluminum airplane production plant for the military. She was a tough strong woman, very skilled. Later, in my own life, I picked up on a Rosie the Riveter poster that encouraged me as an affirmation to stay strong going through tough times raising kids as a single parent. Thanks again!”

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